Suomen Kiinteistönvälittäjät ry – Finnish Real Estate Agents’ Association (SKVL)
Working together for safe home exchange
SKVL works throughout Finland to promote reliable and fair real estate brokerage
SKVL members’ latest listings
Find a real estate agent who knows your area
Find a local estate agent who knows the market price in your area and ask for a price estimate for your home
SKVL offers peace of mind for the most important transaction of your life
The Finnish Real Estate Agents’ Association works throughout Finland to promote reliable and fair real estate brokerage
Your local expert
SKVL’s extensive network enables a local approach at national level
Finland’s largest and oldest
We have the most experienced and best trained brokers
Reliable and fair
We work for the consumer
See how the market is developing in your area

Are you selling your home?
The Finnish Real Estate Agents’ Association offers peace of mind for the most important transaction of your life

Looking for a new home?
The member companies of the Finnish Real Estate Agents’ Association are there to support you in buying a home

Renting your apartment?
A good alternative to selling your home is to keep your old home as an investment property and rent it out.