International co-operation has a long tradition in the real estate agency sector. For decades, SKVL has contributed to maintaining co-operative relations in the real estate brokerage sector.
This tradition-based work is continued by the Federation of Real Estate Agency (KVKL), which was founded in 2008 and to which the official international memberships of the real estate brokerage sector were transferred at the beginning of 2009. As SKVL is one of the founding members of KVKL, the international co-operation relations of KVKL are strengthened. This further strengthened international network will continue to be available to SKVL members who wish to become more international.
NEU (The Nordic Union of Estate Agents) is a joint organisation of the associations representing estate agents in the Nordic countries. The Union is chaired by the member countries in turn and is responsible for the implementation of its activities. In 2004, Finland held the NEU presidency. Iceland currently holds the presidency.
NEU’s activities are mainly focused on monitoring the development of real estate brokerage in the Nordic countries and more broadly in Europe. The Board meetings, chaired by the country holding the presidency, discuss country reports on the current state and development of real estate brokerage and legislation, prepared by the various member countries. By defining a common Nordic position, the Nordic countries are able to take common issues forward in a systematic way, for example to the European decision-making process.
The Nordic countries have co-operated fruitfully, for example, in the European Standardisation Organisation’s CEN standard project “Services of real estate agents”. The standard will establish basic rules for real estate brokerage even in countries where there is no real estate brokerage regulation yet.
CEPI (Conseil européen des Professions immobilières) is a non-profit association representing European real estate professionals through CEAB (Confédération européenne des Administrateurs de biens) that represents property managers and EPAG (European Property Agents Group) representing estate agents.
CEPI is made up of members from EU and EFTA countries and represents over 200,000 real estate professionals.
CEPI has signed co-operation agreements with other European and American professional organisations. The aim is to increase the exchange of information between them, to facilitate the exchange of views and experience and to enable joint projects.
For more information, visit www.cepi.eu
EPAG is a non-profit association of almost thirty EU and EFTA countries. Its main objectives are:
- Defending the housing transaction market in the framework of European Union action
- Promoting interest in the real estate profession
- Contributing to the development of education and training
- Providing information for member associations
One of EPAG’s main tasks is to monitor the development of EU legislation and standards so that the role of the real estate professional is maintained and access to the market is safeguarded also in the future. EPAG also emphasises the importance of making the sector more attractive, for example, by raising the qualification requirements in order to ensure a high-quality and transparent service in all EU countries.